Why papilloma occurs in food and how to deal with it

Papillomatosis of the larynx is a common disease. A few years ago, surgery was the only possible treatment for the problem, and over time, conservative methods of treating the disease have emerged.


Throat papillomas are caused by the growth of connective tissue and epithelium. These structures have a good character. But this does not mean that they should be ignored.

Outwardly, the growths resemble red or pink roosters. Rarely do copies appear. There are usually several forms.

They occur on the tongue, directly in the larynx, palate and vocal cords, in the back of the tonsils, in the larynx and trachea.

Sore throat with papillomas

The most dangerous are papillomas located in the throat, which interfere with the normal functioning of the respiratory tract. These are growths in the bronchi and trachea. They lead to serious consequences and complicate matters.

Papillomas Papillomas occur in the throat when HPV is activated.

This happens under the following conditions:

  • presence of infectious diseases such as scarlet fever and measles;
  • decreased immunity;
  • polluted atmosphere in the living space;
  • presence of chronic diseases of the nose, throat and ears;
  • tension of the vocal cords.

There is a concept of "juvenile papillomatosis. "They suffer from small children. With it, several papillomas of the throat cover the lumen of the larynx and interfere with normal breathing.

Adults with HPV in the trachea or bronchi can develop malignant tumors if left untreated. However, even surgical intervention does not guarantee that the structure will not reappear.

Throat papillomas: symptoms

At first, the problem may not manifest itself.

But as the warts grow, signs appear:

  • heavy breathing;
  • acidosis, unexplained cough, sore throat;
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • any changes in the respiratory system;
  • cough accompanied by discharge of mucus or blood;
  • swelling of the larynx.

Symptoms of throat papilloma in children may include:

  • asthma karma due to swelling of the respiratory tract;
  • occurrence of shortness of breath;
  • difficulties in the implementation of the respiratory process;
  • wheezing;
  • developmental disorders of the child.
papillomas in the throat

How can you become infected?

Papillomavirus is transmitted through contact with an infected person.

This can happen in several ways:

  1. The sexual way. The risk of getting papilloma is especially high for those who have sex.
  2. Family way. A towel, blanket is also used in common areas.
  3. Through a kiss
  4. In case of injuries or micro cracks.
  5. self-infection;
  6. When passing through the birth canal (from a sick mother to a child).

Who is in danger?

Most commonly, HPV in food occurs in children with ENT-related infections. These include pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, purulent otitis, laryngitis.

The most common form of papillomatosis of the throat was among people aged 20 to 45 years.

A person with bad habits at risk is constantly stressed and leads a healthy lifestyle.

There are a number of indirect factors that contribute to the development of pharyngeal papilloma:

  • taking hormonal pills;
  • living in an area with high air pollution;
  • second hand cigarettes;
  • disorders of oral care;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • presence of hereditary factors;
  • stress.
sore throat with papillomatosis of the larynx

Types of HPV in food

There are many classifications of papillomas located in the throat.

The types of this disease are divided according to age:

  1. congenital (i. e. the infection occurred in the uterus).
  2. Of children.
  3. purchased (during sex or at home).
  4. adult.
  5. Repetitive.

Another division is based on the degree of growth of papillomas:

  • limited option, when the spread of formations occurs in a certain area of the food;
  • common form, when papillomas are scattered everywhere;
  • obturator type. At the same time, growth prevents air from passing through the airways.

Depending on the condition of the respiratory system and the presence of symptomatic manifestations, the disease may be:

  1. First degree of compensation. It is characterized by a slight difficulty in breathing and exhaling.
  2. Second degree of compensation. Breathing occurs, the body lacks oxygen, there is constant anxiety, cold sweats and bruising.
  3. Third degree, when breathing stops completely. The patient loses consciousness due to asphyxia.

Depending on the oncogenic properties, there may be a papilloma of the throat:

  • good at
  • harmful.
Surgical treatment of laryngeal papillomatosis

Localization of papillomas

Neoplasms can be directly in the throat, in any part of it, or in the throat. Which of them is dangerous?

Growth in the throat affects the tonsils. There are papillomas on the soft palate or side walls. Rare in vocal cords. Almond papillomas and plugs should not be confused.

In the second case, there is a taste of pus in the mouth. Мүмкүн It is impossible to determine for yourself what it is. You should consult a specialist.

If it is congested, it is enough to rinse the problem area. If it is an almond papilloma, your doctor will prescribe effective therapy. It can be conservative treatment or surgery.

Throat papilloma is dangerous. These growths can impair the patient's speech and interfere with the breathing process. It is important that this problem occurs in children.

Significant narrowing of the respiratory lumen can lead to suffocation, hypoxia, and death.

laser throat papilloma

Diagnosis of throat papillomas

Before starting treatment for papillomas, your doctor will prescribe a number of diagnostic procedures.

Throat papillomatosis can be diagnosed:

  1. Laryngoscopy - examination of the problem area with the help of a special instrument of the laryngoscope.
  2. Histology - the study of papilloma tissue. It is usually done after the growth has been removed or after a biopsy.
  3. Microlaryngoscopy - allows you to see all the nuances of the appearance of education.
  4. Electroglottography - allows you to determine the type of papilloma (benign or malignant).
  5. X-rays - determine how common the problem is in the food.

Conservative treatment

Papillomas in the throat can be treated conservatively. The most common method is chemotherapy. It is done with the help of chemical drugs.

They are applied to the affected areas and are used for this purpose:

  • Potassium permanganate.
  • salicylic acid.
  • Silver nitrate salts.
  • Sulfuric acid.
  • Perhydrol.
  • Nitric acid.

The cuttering procedure must be performed by a qualified person. There are a number of substances that are banned because they are too toxic to treat children.

Another conservative approach is radiotherapy. Its main function is to destroy diseased cells. This modern method has been used more and more recently to get rid of papillomas.

Eliminate tumors in the throat with the help of radiotherapy. The main advantage of the method is, no damage or scars, rapid healing, and elimination of recurrence.

The doctor recommends taking antiviral drugs, immunostimulants.

Folk remedies to eliminate papillomas in the food

Removal of papillomas in the throat

Experts believe that the only correct and effective treatment is surgical removal of papilloma.

To do this, the appropriate method is selected:

  • laser;
  • radio wave method;
  • cryodestruction;
  • laryngoscopy;
  • electrocoagulation.

Tumors cannot be eradicated on their own. There is a high probability of papilloma damage. This causes the benign tumor to break down quickly into cancer. Only a surgeon can perform the operation successfully.

Surgery to prevent the growth of children is contraindicated. This results in complete cessation of breathing. These methods are not used in early childhood.

Folk remedies

There are a number of folk remedies, with the help of which you can get rid of throat papillomas. They are based on natural herbs and plants. The simplest measure is to eat 1 tablespoon of fresh honey daily.

An infusion of bay leaves can help combat the problem. They are poured boiling water and stored in a thermos overnight. The medicine is taken during the day. The course of drug treatment - 2 weeks.

An effective recipe is a mixture of chopped horseradish with honey. Ingredients are taken in equal proportions. You need to take one tablespoon per day. Gruel is placed on the tongue, and after a second or two it is washed with water.

From time immemorial, people have treated localized papilloma of the throat by drinking a decoction made from a mixture of cherry, thyme, licorice, currant, raspberry, coltsfoot and plantain. The drug is taken one hour after meals for 3 months.

Folk recipes do not solve the problem. The sooner a patient sees a doctor, the sooner he will receive highly qualified care, which will help to avoid consequences.